6 hours agoShadow Climate Change and Energy Minister Ted O’Brien says the Liberal Party are “happy” to cooperate with the government on adjusting the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax.The Opposition, however, is threatening to block the reforms, which will limit deductions given to oil and gas companies’ capital expenditure and will raise $2.4 billion in extra Commonwealth revenue, according to budget forward estimates.”We’ve been very clear with the government from the get-go when it announced that it is interested in reviewing the PRRT and adjusting it,” Mr O’Brien told Sky News Australia.”We’ll be critical where we must, but we’ll also be constructive where we can.”The problem we’ve had though is the government hasn’t been answering the questions that we’ve been asking about their proposed change.”

Shadow Climate Change and Energy Minister Ted O’Brien says the Liberal Party are “happy” to cooperate with the government on adjusting the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax.
The Opposition, however, is threatening to block the reforms, which will limit deductions given to oil and gas companies’ capital expenditure and will raise $2.4 billion in extra Commonwealth revenue, according to budget forward estimates.
“We’ve been very clear with the government from the get-go when it announced that it is interested in reviewing the PRRT and adjusting it,” Mr O’Brien told Sky News Australia.
“We’ll be critical where we must, but we’ll also be constructive where we can.
“The problem we’ve had though is the government hasn’t been answering the questions that we’ve been asking about their proposed change.”
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