You can still craft glitched weapons in Destiny 2 despite fixes
On Sept. 18, Bungie rolled out a fix for a game-breaking bug in Destiny 2. Players could combine two guns and have an auto rifle that shoots with a shotgun spread, but no longer. Despite the fix, there are still a couple of glitched weapons that you can craft and mess around with.
In his video on Sept. 18, Aztecross showed how you can mix perks between weapons when crafting. He created some very powerful combos and at the time of writing, I can confirm that the bug still works, despite Bungie supposedly fixing it.
In the video, Aztecross put a Reservoir Burst perk from a fusion rifle on the auto rifle giving it free extra damage. Reservoir Burst gives the weapon bonus damage when the magazine is full and is exclusive to fusion rifles.
Another fun combo is Reservoir Burst on a bow. Because the bow’s “magazine” is just one arrow, the perk is active all the time. Pair that with Kill Clip and you get even more damage.
These guns are not entirely game-breaking. The mentioned combos have shorter time-to-kill but you can counter them. They will still give you an edge if you plan to play Trials of Osiris before the mode goes away on the weekly reset of Sept. 20.
If you want to craft one for yourself, you absolutely can. You will need two already crafted weapons as this glitch only works via reshaping. I used the Royal Executioner fusion rifle and the Ammit AR2 auto rifle.
In the Enclave you will need to quickly select the weapon with perks you want and then the weapon you wish to use these perks on. Give it a couple of tries, cap your fps if you can, and you should get it.
There is still no official information from Bungie or its development team regarding this bug but I expect it will get patched with the second fix they are planning to roll out. In the meantime, have some fun and see what perk combinations you can create.
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