LoL Patch 14.6 patch notes | All buffs, nerfs, and changes in League Patch 14.6

League of Legends Patch 14.6 is just on the horizon, with the update slated to go live before the end of March. In the patch, we expect balance updates to be applied across the board, with direct buffs and nerfs coming where necessary.
Now that the 2024 ranked season has been live for two months, the sample sizes that Riot has to work with when it comes to where champions fit into the new season’s meta are getting sizable. While it likely won’t be until after the first split of the year when things truly start to stabilize, we expect the next few months to be a lot less turbulent than the earliest stages of the year.
Here is the early version of the Patch 14.6 patch notes.
When will League Patch 14.6 go live?
League of Legends Patch 14.6 is slated to go live on March 20, according to the game’s official patch schedule. Further notes and updates are expected to be released by Riot in advance of that date, and this piece will be updated accordingly as the launch date gets closer.
What’s new in League Patch 14.6?
Theorycrafting on potential balance updates
The official patch notes (or even any type of patch preview) have not been released by Riot at this time, although we expect certain changes to hit champions that need a boost in one direction or the other. Here are some of our theorycrafted predictions for League Patch 14.6.
Supports could continue to remain a focal point
Patch 14.5 shook up the tank support meta, with champions like Maokai getting nerfed, and big balance updates hoping to smooth out the items that tank players prioritize at that position. We expect the support position to continue to get attention in Patch 14.6, with some sort of adjustment to come to enchanter supports this time around. Win rates for champions like Janna and Taric have been steadily climbing for several patches, according to League stats site, and it’s possible that some sort of nerf will hit them, whether it be in the form of direct ability changes or nerfs via itemization.
Galio is on tap to receive a shift in identity
There have also been some big-time changes swirling on the League PBE surrounding Galio, who is in line to receive a gameplay update at some point soon. Proposed changes to the Colossus include nerfs across the board to his overall damage, but significant buffs to his cooldowns and survivability. It’s possible that Riot is attempting to pivot Galio players away from glass cannon AP mage builds and move them toward more bruiser-focused playstyles. These changes to Galio are currently tentative and could be shelved for a later patch but are available to test on the League PBE now.
The High Noon skin line gets reinvigorated with four new additions
One of League’s most iconic skin lines, High Noon, is making its way back to the Rift with four new champions joining the lineup. In Patch 14.6, Gragas, Rell, Evelynn, and Yone are all expected to receive High Noon skins.
Evelynn and Yone will be getting extra variants of their High Noon skins, with Yone receiving a “Peacemaker High Noon” skin that takes on a gold-and-red hue in contrast to the standard blue-and-gray color scheme of his standard High Noon skin. The Prestige edition of Evelynn’s High Noon skin is light violet and gold in color, with its visuals looking vaguely similar to some of her K/DA skins.
All High Noon skins coming in League Patch 14.6
- High Noon Gragas (1,350 RP)
- High Noon Rell (1,350 RP)
- High Noon Evelynn (1,350 RP)
- High Noon Yone (1,350 RP)
- Peacemaker High Noon Yone (Mythic Shop)
- Prestige High Noon Evelynn (Event tokens)
League Patch 14.6 notes
This section will receive updates when Riot releases its official patch preview (expected March 11).
This section will receive updates when Riot releases its official patch preview (expected March 11).
High Noon Gragas
High Noon Rell
High Noon Evelynn
High Noon Yone
Prestige High Noon Evelynn
Peacemaker High Noon Yone
This article is being updated through the League patch cycle.
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