
The Curious Case of Rick Owens’s Inflatable Boots

As a rising supermodel who’s walked for Thom Browne, Versace, Marc Jacobs, and countless others, Consani is no stranger to rocking death-defying shoes on the runway. So when Vogue stumbled upon Consani in the office one fateful afternoon, we couldn’t resist asking the model to try the Rick boots out. “Sure,” she said, slipping into them without hesitation. “Gimme the boots!”

What ensued was a viral TikTok, in which the inflated boots were put on Consani, who then proceeded to strut around the Vogue offices and disrupt important meetings—turning heads at every corner, the squeaking of the rubber boots catching in the interest of many of my coworkers. “That’s the sound of realness, baby,” Consani says, as the rubber rubbed against each other.

A few more struts up and down the Vogue halls—call HR!—Consani came back with her verdict on the extravagant footwear. “When they say ‘Boots Down,’ this is what they mean,” she says. Clearly, they’re model-approved—and internet approved, too. Consani fans are still going wild over the content. “She ate I fear,” wrote one TikTok user. “Alex was the perfect person for this,” wrote another. We couldn’t agree more. Slay the boots down, Houston—we are deceased.

Below, watch Consani slip into the Ricks.

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