eSports & Gaming

New report claims wait for Marvel’s Wolverine will be longer than expected

The wait for Marvel’s Wolverine from Insomniac Games could be longer than previously suggested as a new report claims we’ll have to wait for 2025 to get our claws on the game.

Marvel’s Wolverine will flesh out the universe created by Insomniac, with it confirmed it’s in the same world as Spider-Man 2, and it has previously been suggested the game will release in a yet-to-be-determined date in 2024.

However, as spotted by Eurogamer, Marvel tipster DanielRPK posted on Patreon and stated the release will instead take place in 2025—which, although disappointing for fans holding out on the game, makes a lot of sense.

Insomniac is, of course, fresh off the heels of releasing Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 to critical acclaim and there could still be DLC to be released, tying up some of the hidden cutscenes that take place after completing side missions.

Even if there was no DLC for Spider-Man 2, such a quick turnaround would still be a massive surprise and a 2025 release window seems far more realistic.

Further information in the post stated that Marvel’s Wolverine would be a much darker and violent game than Insomniac’s Spider-Man trilogy, which makes perfect sense, and will feature Madripoor—a location that was already hinted at heavily in the teaser trailer with The Princess Bar shown.

Both tidbits of information serve as a good omen for the game, as Madripoor is a location in the Marvel Universe that is extremely significant to the X-Men and Wolverine but has been overlooked in the MCU, barring a brief appearance in the Falcon and the Winter Soldier Disney+ series.

A longer period of development gives Insomniac more time to craft the best representation of Wolverine that they can while tying in all the strings for Easter eggs, villain appearances, and everything else to make the story truly stand out.

While I was hoping to be playing the game in 2024, I suppose I can be patient and wait a bit longer.

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