Indonesia Elections 2024: As most populous province, West Java could tip the scales

WEST JAVA: A stable economy, more job opportunities and equal treatment of citizens are among the aspirations on the wish list of West Java voters for Indonesia’s next president.
“The leader I want is aware of these three things: awareness of position, awareness of conditions and awareness of the situation,” said one resident Imam Iskandar.
West Java, Indonesia’s most populous province, is often included among the top priorities of political parties in canvassing for votes.
It is home to about 50 million people and has the highest number of registered voters at close to 36 million, making it a pivotal battleground for Wednesday’s (Feb 14) elections.
The province is also unique in terms of the high plurality of support for parties, observers told CNA.
West Java typically gives candidates the opportunity to raise the number of votes that they previously may have lost, or strengthen wins where they may have had a strong support base.
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